18 research outputs found

    Exploring Managers’ Perspective on Factors Affecting Generation Y Retention

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    The study explores factors behind Generation Y employees' retention from the perspective of managers in a financial services sector. A qualitative method was employed, by interviewing eight managers as informants. The results show ten factors affecting Generation Y employees’ retention are compensation and pay, personal development, job security, job satisfaction, work-life balance, reward and recognition, training, leadership, relationship and communication, and work environment. Seven main challenges to retain Generation Y employees identified are loyalty, their love for a challenging job, communication, strategy, working style, satisfaction, and traits. The study discusses implications and suggestions for organisational level strategies to retain Generation Y employees

    Psychological Empowerment and Organisational Commitment Among Academic Staff of Public University in Malaysia

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    The study examined the level of the Three-Component Model of organisational commitment (TCM) and its relationship with psychological empowerment. The sample was selected through a three-stage cluster random sampling among academic staff from three publicuniversities in Malaysia. Cross-sectional survey research questionnaires were used as instruments of data collection. All variables under study have met the testing standard of reliability, validity and normality. SPSS version 22 was used to analyse the data obtained from 225 respondents of the study. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the levels of organisational commitment, and inferential statistical techniques such as Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression were used to examine the relationship between organisational commitment and psychological empowerment. The levels of organisational commitment of respondents were reported to be generally moderate but variations exist across its three different components namely the affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. The results of Pearson’s correlation indicated a significant and positive relationships between all these three components of organisational commitment and overall organisational commitment with overall psychological empowerment and its four-dimensionalcomponents. The strongest relationship was identified between overall organizational commitment andpsychological empowerment’s dimension of impact. The multiple regression analyses indicated that more than 20% of the variance in the overall scores of organizational commitments couldbe predicted by the overall psychological empowerment and its four-dimensionalcomponents. In addition, the multiple regression analyses indicated that the two strongest predictors of organisational commitment were the dimension of meaning and impact. Overall, the study has provided evidence of a significant relationship between excellent empowerment practices with organisational commitment among the academic staff in publicuniversities in Malaysia. The study has its implications towards enhancement of policies and administration in higher education in Malaysia

    The Effect of Career Growth on Employee Turnover Intention in Sarawak Construction Industry

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    This study examines the effect of career growth dimensions (career goal progress, professional ability development, promotion speed, and remuneration growth) on turnover intention in the Sarawak construction industry. Using a quantitative method and cross-sectional design, data was collected through an online survey questionnaire and analysed using multiple regression analysis. Results indicate that career goal progress and professional ability development have a significant effect on turnover intention, while promotion speed and remuneration growth do not have any significant effect on turnover intention. These findings emphasise the importance of career growth opportunities and professional development strategies to enhance employee satisfaction and reduce turnover. Organisations should reassess retention strategies and consider other factors influencing turnover intention to improve employee retention efforts

    Proactive behaviour as a mediator in the relationship between quality of work life career

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    Achieving career success among employees is a primary concern for both individuals and organisations. Career success acts as a powerful motivator for one to advance great progress, such as improving his or her job performance and achieving more success. Quality of work life is in accordance with various needs of individuals’ well-beings in the workplace, which may promote career success. Additionally, instead of having knowledge and skills required, individuals should possess positive personalities and right attitude to ensure that they always exert their best endeavours to achieve career success. This study examined the mediating effect of proactive behavior on the relationship between quality of work life and career success. Self-administered surveys were employed for data collection among 304 married academicians from two selected Public Institutions of Higher Learning. Data were analysed by using Analysis Moment of Structures Software (AMOS) for Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Results indicated that a partial mediation effect of proactive behaviour was established on the relationship between quality of work life and career success. It can be concluded that the quality of work life can positively influence career success among academicians. If they, however, also have proactive behaviour, they will be eagerly urged to achieve higher levels of career success

    The Relationship Between Job Stress and Job Satisfaction: A Cross-Sectional Study in One Local Authority, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak

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    The present study was aimed to examine the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction among employees in one local authority’s organization at Kota Samarahan, Sarawak. A cross-sectional survey research was employed to conduct the study and the data for the study was collected using a self-administered employees. The data of the study was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics, and a correlational analysis was used to test the research hypotheses. The results of the study indicated that the sub-components of the job stress that consist of role conflict and physical environment had significant relationships with job satisfaction. In overall, the findings of the study assist to provide a better understanding on specific job stress’s factors that affects employee’s job satisfaction particularly for the organizations under the local government or local authority in Malaysia

    Generation-Y Employees and Their Perceptions of Work-Life Balance

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    The objective of this study is to identify the perceptions of Generation Y employees regarding work-life balance practices. As increasing numbers of Generation Y enter the workforce, questions regarding how they perceive work, family and self-related issues, challenges and coping strategies in balancing personal and professional commitments became issues of interests for employers. This study uses interviews to collect data from six informants in Generation Y and the data were analyzed through content analysis. The results indicate that Generation Y employees do indeed have issues and challenges with balancing work and family. However, unlike the older generation of employees, Generation Y employees perceive managing work-life balance only through segmentation or separation strategies. This particular finding indicates that if organizations want to attract and retain these employees they should adapt a strategy specifically designed to target this employee group